NIPH – National Institute of Public Health (Cambodia)

The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) is a public administrative establishment that has a broad public health mandate to carry out three main functions: i) laboratory, including serving as the national reference laboratory; ii) research, mainly focusing on providing the Ministry of Health with health systems research and policy support; and iii) public health training. NIPH has conducted research on public health priorities, including non-communicable diseases, quality of care, health financing, social health protection, etc. NIPH, in collaboration with a number of world-class research institutions, has assessed health-related problems, assisted in developing interventions and implementing health care systems, and provided scientific-based evidence for policy development.
Work packages involved in
- Situation analysis in the selected LMICs with regard to cervical cancer and screening practices
- Development of a screening intervention with a point-of-care, self-sampling device
- Pilot the HPV testing intervention, including the new point-of-care device
- Development of the health economic model
- Dissemination, valorisation and policy translation
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